The first training at the Gastro Academy Training Kitchen, which was completed in our chamber's service building, started with the guidance of Master Instructor Berrin Deliormanlı. The Gastro Academy Training Kitchen, which started its activities with the support of the Thrace Development Agency within the scope of the 2022 Social Development Support Program (SOGEP) of the Ministry of Industry and Technology, attracted great attention from both potential beneficiaries and the media.
At the Gastro Academy Training Kitchen, we contribute to the reduction of youth unemployment, who are neither in education nor employment (NEET), with trainings carried out with sensitivity from hygiene to dress code under truly professional conditions, while at the same time feeding the sector by employing the kitchen and service staff needed by our members and the sector.
Our training applications continue until the end of February. We invite everyone who is interested to experience this professional experience without delay and are waiting for their application.
The application form is attached.